
Feb 5, 20212 min

Our Media Production Business Goes Green

When it comes to green initiatives, there's not much talk about how a small media production business can become eco-friendly. It's quite common to think that a small business with an even smaller footprint can't make a difference for the greater good. But back in the summer of 2014, we at MediaRoom decided to implement green initiatives. That year, we were the official media content production provider for a professional basketball team in Puerto Rico. When budgeting for the project, we estimated utilizing roughly 250 AA batteries over the course of the season. That projected expense triggered our team to find a greener (and possibly cheaper) solution.

By then, rechargeable batteries were getting more reliable and decided to give them a try. That experiment marked the beginning of a paradigm shift that we still use today. We started to implement green initiatives to help us reduce our environmental footprint. Here are some green initiatives that can be easily implemented:

  1. Use rechargeable batteries: They have become more and more reliable with time. Get also a small, inexpensive battery meter. This will help you keep track of which batteries you need to recharge.

  2. Recycle paper: If your office building does paper recycling, you are good to go! Sadly, not all jurisdictions provide commercial recycling paper pickup. Pile them up in a dedicated bin and take them to your nearest recycling center. Dispose of the sensitive printed documents safely at shredding events near your business. Some local community banks and credit unions host paper shredding events throughout the year.

  3. Ditch paper and embrace electronics documents. Just remember to keep your sensitive digital documentation safe and away from prying eyes.

  4. Properly discard packaging materials from equipment and office supplies purchases. Most grocery stores can take plastic bags. Most cities can take your cardboard. When dealing with foam disposal, each jurisdiction’s waste management department can guide you to the nearest center.

  5. Take your old electronics to your nearest e-cycle center. Avoid throwing them in the trash. Some big-box retailers can take them as well.

  6. Regift! What is an outdated device for us can be gold for others. Find your nearest Buy Nothing Group. This is an online project of reusing and repurposing items in the community. Some schools and nonprofits may also find that old camera or computer still useful and are willing to give it a new life.

  7. Plan to do your meetings, location scoutings, and/or resupply trips in fewer drives. That way, you will minimize driving and save gas while rendering less environmental impact.

We hope these small tips will help you engage in green initiatives that keep our communities safe and clean. Always check the local regulations before disposal. Below we share some resources that can help you find your nearest recycling center.

Recycle Coaching:

Electronics recycling in Washington State:

Buy Nothing Project:

Waste Reduction Initiative in Puerto Rico:

Interested in booking our services? Use the contact form on our website
